This project has received the European Quality Label
15 years ago
Our school is collaborating with schools from two other countries (Sweden and Italy) on a common project concerning everyday school life, cultural and environmental topics with the aim of acquiring educational, social and cultural skills. We meet every Wednesday at 2:10 p.m.
it depends if you want to eat at a resturant will cost aproximately 10 euros.
if you eat home cooked food you can get a nice meal for 5 euros.
if you live in a hostel you pay aproximately 10 euros per night and if you stay in a hotel you will pay 30 and up to 100 euros per night.
all included for a day in sweden you will pay aproximately 30-50 euro per day.
Per day i think you will need about 20 euros =)
but then you need to think about what you are going to do that special day, if you for example going to a cinema or a zoo it will cost more.
It is a hard question. But if you just want to relax, and don't want to do something special I think you have to pay around 700 Euro for a week. If you want to go and ski and stuff like that I think you have to pay more.
/Simon Holmberg
35 euro , then you gonna survive i hollyday
we think you will need 20 euros.. but if you will shop you will have much more money
/michaela & frida
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