Listen, LISTEN
When you listen you affirm me but your listening must be real sensitive and serious not looking busily around not with a worried or distracted frown not preparing what you are going to say next but giving me your full attention.
You are telling me i am a person of value important and worth listening to one with whom you will share yourself.
I have ideas to share feelings which i too often keep to myself deep questions which struggle inside me for answers I have hopes only tentatively acknowledged which are not easy to share and pain and guilt and fear i try to stifle
These are sensitive areas and a real part of me but it takes courage to confide in another
I need to listen too if we are to become close How can i tell you i understand? I can show interest with my eyes or an occasional word attuned to pick up not only spoken words but aloso the glimmer of a smile a look of pain, the hesitation, the struggle which may suggest something as yet too deep for words
So let us take time together respecting the others freedom encouraging without hurrying understanding that some things may never be brought to light but others may emerge if given time
Each through this listening, enriches the other with the priceless gift of intimacy.
by Keith Pearson, Melbourne, Australia
Ανάκληση από: http://www.inclusive-solutions.com/behaviour.asp
We would very much like to have a discussion on this topic and other topics of your choice maybe!!!!!!!!!!!!.
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