Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Greek National Anthem: Hymn to Liberty (Imnos stin Eleftheria)

In Greek

Latin Transliteration

Se gnorizo apo tin kopsi,
Tou spathiou tin tromeri,
Se gnorizo apo tin opsi,
pou me via metra tin yi.
Ap' ta kokala vgalmeni, Ton Ellinon ta iera,
Ke san prota andriomeni, Haire, o haire, Eleftheria! (repeat previous two lines three times)

English Translation

We knew thee of old,
Oh, divinely restored,
By the lights of thine eyes,
And the light of thy Sword,
from the graves of our slain,
Shall thy valour prevail,
As we greet thee again- Hail, Liberty! Hail! (repeat previous two lines three times

Lyrics: Dionysios Solomos, 1824 - Music: Nikolaos Mantzaros, 1828 - Translation: Rudyard Kipling in 1918

Italian translation of the Greek National Anthem by Cesare Sofianopulo (Trieste 1951)

Ti conosco dal tremendo
taglio vivo dell'acciar,
ti conosco: va scorrendo
l'occhio tuo la terra e il mar.
Sorta fuor dalle ossa sante
degli Elleni e come già
in passato fosti aitante,
salve, salve, o Libertà!

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