Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Hello we are Alex, Lefteris and George

We are a little sad the program is ending because we had such a great time during our meetings!!! First of all we learnt many new things about your countries, your habits, your educational system and we had the chance to share different experiences about our lives. It was very interesting to work in teams and to expand our knowledge on topics such as The Northern Light and environmental issues. We learned things in a new way, which was different from the traditional teaching.
We will miss it! We are thinking to implement a more focused project on a common chosen subject and have some student exchanges as well.
This year was the first time we participated in such a project and we learnt a lot, so we make something better next year.
We will contact you last time next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, it has been a fun experience and we will miss it to, we have had the time of our lives doing this project.
/elias,tobias nad martin